Annual reports can be submitted online electronically and/or printed for submission.

1.  To submit forms electronically click on the "Red" button and follow the instructions.

2. To fill in the form, print or save to your computer click on the "Blue" button.

All Unit dues are due by March 1, 2024.  They can be paid by check or credit card.  To pay by credit card go to "Unit Dues" and follow the instructions.

If you are using Adobe Reader to open these forms and find that you cannot enter data please do the following:
1.  In the Adobe Reader Menu Bar, select Edit then preferences.

2.  In the Preferences dialog box under Categories, select Documents.

3.  Change "View Documents In PDF/A Mode:" to Never and click OK.

4.  The PDF/A viewing mode can be reset by changing this preference setting again.

Yearbook ads can now be paid with credit card.

Click on the blue link and enter your credit card information.

​In the note block enter the name of your Unit if paying for the Unit.



1.  Convention and Arlington Registration Forms are located on the Annual Convention page and the 

Arlington Wreath Laying page under the "Events" menu .

2.  The Application form for forming a "New Unit" is located under menu "Main" >"Forming a New Unit".

3.  The Application to reinstate your Unit is located Under menu "Main">"Unit Reinstatement".